Rhinoplasty - Nose Plaster
Technical name: rhinoplasty
Body region: nose
Type: cosmetic and restorative plastic surgery
Age: from 15 years old
Anesthesia: local with sedation
Duration of surgery: on average, one to two hours
Scar: There is no visible external scar, except for the surgery in which the nasal holes are reduced where, even so, they are hidden in the fold region of the wings.
Because it is situated in the center of the face, the nose is fundamental for harmony and facial beauty.
Any change in its shape or size implies a major change in the aesthetics of the face.
Due to its complex structure, the nose shows a great variation between races and individuals. Rhinoplasty is aimed at correcting the disproportion of the nose, making it more harmonious with the rest of the face and thus improving facial aesthetics.
It is very important to point out that since each patient has a genetics of his own, it is not possible to choose a nose that one intends to have (for example, the same as someone else's), but rather to correct and perfect one's nose, Possible to have, more harmonic to the face.
Indicate when there is disproportion or disharmony between nose and face, and non-esthetic nose.
Aesthetic balance between the nose and face, preserving, above all, its naturalness.
Main Aspects
This surgery leaves no apparent scars.
It should only be performed after the age of 15, when the cartilaginous constitution of the nose is complete.
It can be used according to the patient's need, with a combination of grafts, scrapes and / or fractures.
Performed with light sedation and local anesthesia, lasting around 90 minutes, with patient discharge on the same day.
A micropore sparking and dressing of an acrylic type is used which is withdrawn around the 14th day. After that, although we do not have the final result, we already notice the changes.
Pre and post-operative care
Surgical planning should always be done by mutual agreement between doctor and patient.
Until the desired result is achieved, edema, purple spots, swelling in the eyes and a stuffy nose are the post-operative complications.
Sun exposure is only allowed after 30 days, with restrictions and variations varying from case to case. You should avoid heat (sun, baths and very hot environments, etc.), as heat leads to increased swelling.
Edema (swelling) and ecchymosis (redness) usually occur on the face, which usually regress in up to 21 days. Residual edema persists for up to six months, and is noted by the patient as a hardening of the nasal tip.
The definitive result of rhinoplasty is achieved between six months and a year, but there are already major changes from one month