Enlargement Mastoplasty - Breast Augmentation

Technical name: Inclusion of Silicone Breast Implant
Region of body: breasts / breasts
Type: cosmetic plastic surgery
Age: from 16 years old
Anesthesia: local with sedation
Duration of surgery: on average, 1 hour
Scar: Discreet and small, tends to be imperceptible


Breast enlargement mammoplasty, also known as breast prosthesis surgery, is indicated for patients with small breasts or who after breastfeeding had a large reduction in breast volume without breast ptosis (breast fall).

For some time it has been speculated that the silicone prosthesis could harm women's health (breast cancer, rheumatic diseases, etc.). After extensive studies carried out by the United States, the existence of these harms was proven.

The breast prosthesis can be placed through 3 different incisions (periareolar = around the areola, submammary = in the sulcus of the breast or axillary = through the axilla). The location of the prosthesis can also be in two different spaces: underneath the gland or below the muscle.

Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and should be the choice made jointly by the doctor and patient, after discussing the pros and cons of each technique.

The choice of the ideal breast prosthesis will be made at the doctor's office, when the surgeon will examine the patient and choose the best prosthesis to produce a better result for breast augmentation, which in each patient is different.


Increase small breasts or breasts that have suffered atrophies or decrease after pregnancy. Also made to correct asymmetrical breasts, lift breasts (provided they are not very flaccid).
Used to reconstruct breasts that have undergone mastectomy as a result of tumors.

Main aspects

It consists of the introduction of a silicone prosthesis, or a pair of them, usually well tolerated by the body. According to the indication and expectation of the patient, the different sizes and formats available in the market are chosen.
In augmentation mastoplasty surgery, local anesthesia associated with sedation is most often adopted.
The incision is usually made on the lower border of the areola, and may also be made in the furrow below the breast (between the breast and thorax), or in the armpit, most often hidden, depending on the genetic skin characteristic and healing of each Patient.
Then the tissue is raised, forming a pocket where the prosthesis will be placed.
After the suture, the dressing is done with special adhesives.
She wears a special bra that should be worn for at least 30 days, when it can be replaced by a half-cup under medical supervision. The surgery takes an average of 1 hour and 30 minutes for bilateral enlargement mastoplasty.
The patient is discharged on the same day.

Pre and post-operative care

In the preoperative period it is recommended to stop smoking and to use aspirin or medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid, which affect bleeding time and coagulation.

It is also recommended to stop medications for weight loss and alcohol consumption 10 days before surgery.
Any changes in physical condition (flu or ailments) should be reported to the doctor.
On the eve, eat lightly and absolute fast from midnight the day of surgery.
It is uncommon to have strong post-operative pain, but if it is, it can be controlled with analgesics.
In our experience, in the period of only four days for most cases, it is recommended to avoid sudden movements, to remain at rest, not to raise or open the arms and not to sleep on the stomach. After this, done due evaluation, we recommend moving and return to normal activities with care to shock in the region mainly.
Bumps and blemishes are common, fading with the days.
The loss of temporary sensitivity in the region may occur.

In cases of pregnancy after placement of the prosthesis, breastfeeding is perfectly possible without damaging the physiology of the breasts.

This is important for women who intend to have children and reject the idea of surgery for fear of losing their ability to breastfeed.

Very rare is the occurrence of complications as long as the patient follows the medication and guidelines recommended by the doctor.

In some cases, there may be a "prosthesis contracture encapsulation" (retraction of the fibrous capsule surrounding the prosthesis) as a result of excessive scarring. This causes the hardening of the sinuses, which results in discomfort for the patient. To prevent, physician-directed massage or surgical and clinical procedures are recommended.

The result as to form is already quite evident in the postoperative period. During the first month there is reduction of edema (swelling) and healing gains strength. Like all plastic surgery, the definitive result of augmentation mammoplasty occurs after six months, due to the maturing of the scar.