Rhytidectomy - Facelift
Rhytidectomy and Mini Lifting
Technical name: cervico-facial or rhytidectomy
Body region: face and neck wrinkles
Age: from 45 years old
Anesthesia: local with sedation
Duration of surgery: on average, two and a half hours
Scar: discreet, hidden by the hair
As the age progresses, the skin loses its elasticity and turgor, leading to an excess of skin on the face. The force of gravity, in turn, acts by pulling this excess down, causing deep creases between the nose and the mouth (nasogenian sulcus), among other skin marks. In addition to all this there is still all the musculature of the face, which after years of movement allow the formation of wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and other areas.
These changes are all together that lead to the appearance of aging. Face lifting aims to partially reverse this process by acting on some muscles and removing excess skin, without, however, modifying the patient's features and expressions. The result sought is a younger, harmonious and natural looking face.
Give the patient a younger appearance, minimizing the effects of time action on skin, fat and muscles, such as furrows, wrinkles and sagging, returning the beauty lost over the years and ensuring a natural appearance without the appearance Of a "pulled" skin.
Main aspects
Treatment of the facial and neck musculature: essential to maintain normal expressions, as well as maintain the continuity of the hairline, so that an unpleasant appearance does not allow the use of short hair.
Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) and liposuction of fat accumulated in the chin under the chin are often associated with rejuvenation surgery for best results.
The patient needs to know that this surgery can slow down, but does not interrupt the aging process. The psychological effects are quite positive for the patient.
The patient may feel anxious in the first few months, and patience will be paramount, as the end result will only be observed after three months at least, although the evolution of the techniques allows us to obtain results faster with less invasive procedures And with less risk.
The scars are hidden in the scalp and natural lines and folds of the skin.
The most common type of anesthesia is the local one, associated with sedation.
Pain rarely occurs, but if there is an ordinary painkiller it solves the problem.
Stains and swellings are common and progressively disappear, as well as occasional feelings of pulling and numbness in the face and neck less often.
Pre and post-operative care
On the day of surgery, hair should be well washed, especially in the region behind the ears, without the use of fixatives, modelers, etc.
Do not wear makeup and enamel nails. The use of cosmetics (indicated by the doctor) is only allowed after the removal of the stitches.
Wear cotton clothes and open at the front to facilitate dress at the time of discharge.
One can carry a headscarf to cover up the helmet.
Use of hair dyes will not be allowed for at least three weeks after surgery.
The patient at rest should keep the head slightly elevated to avoid larger edema. After 24 hours, you should remain more seated and / or standing than lying down.
Exposure to the sun is only released with limits after 60 days, and always with the use of sunscreen.
The definitive result is achieved with six months as this is the time it takes for the scar to mature.
It is important to note that all complications are more common in smokers, and it is essential to stop smoking for at least 14 days before surgery.
Running Time:
On average, two to three hours.