Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Loss of volume by atrophy of muscle, fatty tissue and even bone is one of the characteristics of advancing age.
Fills can mitigate this process by disguising some deeper wrinkles or correcting small defects and asymmetries, even in very young people. Several substances can be applied, some absorbable and some not. Among them, hyaluronic acid.Generic Information:
The product to be used is a steroid gel composed of stabilized hyaluronic acid, animal or laboratory.
It is intended to be injected into the skin for the purpose of correcting fine lines, wrinkles, and facial creases, as well as for modeling the lips and facial contour.
After application of the product, edema (swelling), hardening, pruritus (itching), change in color or palpation pain may occur in the implant area. However, these symptoms tend to disappear spontaneously 1 or 2 days after the injection (when on the skin), or a week later (when on the lips).
Rare Reactions:
Due to the different types of organic response, which vary from patient to patient, other types of localized reactions have already been observed; This is due to the hypersensitivity of that particular patient (on average 1: 1,000 patients). This hypersensitivity may manifest itself in the form of an edema at the implant site, sometimes affecting neighboring tissues. Hardening and pain on palpation have also been described in a reaction similar to acne. These reactions, according to scientific research, may appear in only 1 day after the injection of the product or even between the 1st and 4th week of treatment. They can be of a mild or moderate degree, depending always on the reaction of each organism, having nothing to do with the medical act and improving later.
Duration of Effect:
Depending on the treated area, skin type and injection technique, the treatment effect can last from 6 to 8 months (on the hard lips, on average, 6 months). However, as this result also depends on the organic response of each patient, the duration of the effect may be less or even greater, may also result irregularities, requiring a new injection, not characterizing retouching, since it is a reaction of each organism. As well as, there are cases described of very short duration due to these organic reactions.
Retouching and maintenance treatments help maintain the desired degree of correction. These adjustments are not included in the price of the 1st procedure, as well as new fills to correct irregularities, complementation or even to redo the 1st application in a short period, since there is more material to fill, without medical service charges in the Touches
Following the above explanations, I make it clear that plastic surgery is a surgery where there is no promise of results and I do not promise them. We will perform your surgery according to scientific techniques and we will give the best of our Team for your well being, but we emphasize that we will not promise results, since the medicine itself is not an exact science and we will depend on its organic reaction Post Surgical.